3 Ways Construction Signage Solves Real Business Problems

May 18, 2021

In the AEC industry, where profit margins are notoriously thin, it can be tempting to cut corners when it comes to site signage. But while it might feel good in the short-term to ax your signage budget, it’ll only end up costing you more money in the long run.

And that’s because construction signage is much more than a pretty picture. It’s a necessity that reduces or eliminates the financial risks posed by construction accidents and safety violations. 

Moreover, barricades, scaffolding, and fences decorated with graphics in areas of heavy foot traffic can cost-effectively communicate critical brand messages. And for retail business owners, clear signage can help reduce the negative impact on foot traffic that often results from construction.

In other words, construction site signage solves real business problems. Here’s how:

Eliminate Financial Risk from Safety Violations

Because injuries and fatalities are very common, OSHA has extensive rules about job site safety. Yet, each year, many of the same safety violations continue to appear on OSHA’s list of the top ten most common safety violations. Last year, “Hazard Communication” was the second most common OSHA violation. In fact, in August 2018, one company received an issue of more than $190,000 in fines. And part of the reason for that was their lack of emergency exit signage.

As you can see, OSHA takes construction signage very seriously. Fortunately, so long as you have the resources or partners to make sure your job site safety signage needs are met, you can avoid these financial liabilities. 

Reduce the Impact of Construction on Retail Foot Traffic

There’s no getting around it; when a retail building is under construction, there’s going to be an impact on businesses. You can use construction signage during a renovationFor example, in a large mall renovation, routes to certain stores may be blocked off or redirected. Thoughtfully placed, high-quality construction signage can minimize confusion for customers who need to follow alternate routes. In addition to that, you can use construction signage during a renovation to make sure potential customers know that stores are still open during construction. 

In these ways, construction signage can help retail businesses avoid suffering from the impacts of construction, which can be significant. A case in point: small business owners in Seattle and California both took a major hit during construction projects near their stores.

Turn Construction Projects into Advertising Opportunities

As an AEC firm, there aren’t many advertising opportunities that are better (or even come close) to your own construction site. Barricades, fences, scaffolding, barrier walls, and more, can all serve as vibrant displays of your Construction Signagebrand. That way, everyone who’s passing by not only sees a beautiful display of your brand, but they also get an up-close look at your handy work.

Plus, with the wide range of advertising opportunities that construction sites offer, building owners can get on it too. Construction barricades can serve as expansive backdrops for eye-catching graphics that can build anticipation for grand openings, special events, and more.

Make the Most of Your Space

By now, you can see just how valuable a construction sign can be. And because your signage is an asset to your business, it should be treated like one. That means planning your signage strategically and partnering with a company like ARC that brings decades of experience and a nationwide infrastructure capable of providing quality signage for any construction environment. 

To make the most out of your space, learn more about ARC’s construction site signage today.


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