A Universe of S.T.A.R.s

July 29, 2021

You know how there are too many stars to count in the sky at night? Well, it feels like that around here, too, when it comes to compliments. ARC Document Solutions is a global company so we hear from customers around the world!

Lots of kudos for our crew this month, and we even discovered a superstar in our Southern sky. Can you pick her out?

FYI, S.T.A.R.s are “special thanks and recognition” that are sent in, unsolicited, from happy customers.


ARC Seattle, Washington – Josh Tice

Just wanted to send a huge thank you for all of your help this morning.  You were instrumental in helping to finally resolve most of the issues of printing/plotting/scaling that the CAD group has been having.  That is enormous going forward with regard to reducing down time on their projects because they couldn’t get plots to print properly.
You’re my hero today and I just wanted you to know.
Thanks again,
global design & consulting firm


Metairie, Louisiana – Daniel Chiniche & Gary

Everything was PERFECT.  The graphics were very much enjoyed by our guests.
Many thanks to you and Gary for getting this out so quickly for us.
security company


Tacoma, Washington – James Whiting & Team

I wanted to send a quick email to you to let you know how much I truly appreciate James Whiting at the Tacoma Branch.
He’s always going above and beyond to meet our project deadlines. He makes us feel as if we’re his only customer!
I hope that you can pass along how much we truly appreciate James and his willingness to work long hours to get the job done. His team is always very friendly and he’s always there to make sure it is done right.
Please feel free to call or email w/ questions.
architecture firm


Las Vegas – Susie Goble

So great!  Thank you Susie so much for all your help! Do not hesitate to call me if there any problems. And PS, you guys are so awesome and I am so glad for our local contract with you!
global E&C firm


Atlanta – David Godfrey

You don’t know me, but I wanted to forward you this email thread between David Godfrey and me. I was extremely impressed with how he handled himself as I threw all these curveballs at him that could jeopardize the sale he was trying to make. This is pretty much a textbook example of how to close a deal, in my opinion. Just wanted somebody to be aware of the fantastic job he did. 95% of “sales guys” would’ve lost this deal with us.
construction company


U.K. – John Perrott & Team

I just want to say how amazing the agency now looks. Ben and I have had great feedback from all the staff and even our clients. After a year of living in Bankside we feel we really have a home and the look of a creative agency. I personally want to thank you and all your team for making this happen.
design firm


As promised I’m writing to confirm that we are very happy with our recent install of vinyl wall branding and the functional elements like the magnetic, writable walls. Excellent installation, a great final product and we’ve already received some great positive feedback from the staff here. Your engineers did a great job and finished on time for our big reveal to the office.
Thanks again for all your help and support with this project.
design firm


Please thank Steve for coming in to install the vinyls this evening, I didn’t manage to catch him before he left.
They look amazing!!
All the best,

…I agree – Steve absolutely bossed it. They look bloody amazing. Kudos to Steve.
public relations firm


Thanks for all your help – the graphics were perfect. Your response time was excellent…
Many thanks,


Van Nuys, California – Danny Meza & Team

WOW, how awesome your whole team is!
I never expected to see the documents that I sent this morning here today, and yet they were delivered before Lunchtime – your whole team is truly amazing!
Many Thanks to you and your team!
design & construction company


Shreveport, Louisiana – Charles Weldon, Fernanda Snow & Team

I want to let you know how much I appreciate the great work your staff has been doing.  It’s nice to know that when I let y’all handle my documents, I’m putting them in capable hands.  For my most recent print job, your small documents guys caught a mistake I made when I left out a page from my spec book.  That kind of thoroughness doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated.  In particular, I want to call your attention to the great service Fernanda Snow has been giving.  It seems I’ve called or emailed her dozens of times, but she’s always helpful, professional, and responsive.
With gratitude,
architectural firm


Sacramento, California – Team

Thank you so very much. You do a most marvelous job!!
Caren Idzinga
engineering firm


Just had to say…THANK YOU for getting those binding strips to us yesterday. It’s the little things that make a presentation POP and keep everyone happy.
electrical engineer


Alameda, California – Jerome Jones

Jerome was awesome. He was so nice and so helpful even though it was the end of the day and I called him 50 times. I was totally desperate and he went out of his way to help me. Really excellent service. Thank you so much Jerome!
ad agency


Aurora, CO – Team

Just wanted to thank everyone for their efforts in getting all those documents reproduced and back to us ahead of time! You guys are truly the best!
engineering firm


Monterey Park, CA – Jacklyn Hernandez & ARC Technicians

I wanted to reach out to you in regards to my experience with Jacklyn.
She has been fantastic with all my requests & interactions. She has been on point every time. I love the fact I can count on her every time I need assistance. I thought I would let you know.


Please thank your technicians for their great service!
construction company


Costa Mesa RIOT – Wayne Wernimont & Team

I just wanted to reach out to thank you both as well as your whole team once again for all of your help getting our signage needs done on such short notice for the show. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it!
Both the pop up banner as well as the light box image turned out great and just know you will definitely be my first call for any signage needs in the future (ideally with more notice)!
IT consultants


Tell your manager he or she ROCKS!!!!!
Thank you!


Los Angeles – Woody Allen & Color Team

I want to say THANK YOU for the amazing service you guys have provided, you guys were so accommodating and the boards look superb!!
Thank you again for all of your efforts,


San Francisco – Color Team

Just want to take the opportunities to say THANK YOU to the entire team who work on this project. It has been crazy for the past couple of days and thank you for all the patience you had associated with this job. The end product turned out beautifully and we will hang them in our conference room in years to come.


The posters are wonderful! Please send my compliments to ARC.


Greenville, South Carolina – Meghan Rountree

I am very impressed!!!!!


Love it. You are my girl!!!!!


Everything looks great! I love it!!! The standard size is good. We start set up at noon tomorrow.


Thanks so much!! Rod will be there to get them about mid morning!
event planner


Thanks, Meghan! I will be by in the morning to pick them up around 9:15 J. Y’all are awesome!
event planner


Just wanted to send you along a thank you for your expedited efforts in getting our prints ready and mounted for our event on Wednesday. Everything turned out great and made the event a huge success for us.
Thanks again to everyone at ARCwe appreciate all of your communication and professionalism.


You’re awesome!!! Thank you so much!
See you in a bit.


Thank you so much for your fine work!!!!!!!


Thank you so much for making the heads!! The seniors and spectators loved them!!! I cannot express how thankful I am!! You’re the best!!!
Thanks again!!
senior center


Super! Thank you for the fast response and delivery!
There is one more we are working on and I might have finished this afternoon…
Thank you!
global architect


Denver – Lisa Broomfield & Team

I’m sorry I am just getting back to you, I have been stuck in meetings for the last few days.  Thank you for reprinting the brand standards in color for us. We really appreciate all that ARC does for us and the wonderful service we receive from everyone there. You all look out for us and strive to give us the best product and service possible every time we send an order.  Thank you so much!
Have a wonderful day!
construction company

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