ARC Prints 28K Page Bid for $10B Renovation of JFK International Airport

March 14, 2021

JFK International Airport: When responding to the governor of New York’s RFP for a $10 billion-dollar renovation of one of the world’s busiest airports, you better have the best team that money can buy.

JFK Airport Vision Plan

The Carlyle Group knows this. So, in order to win the rights to execute Governor Andrew Cuomo’s JFK Airport Vision Plan, the Carlyle Group, a multinational private equity firm, quickly assembled a team of leading airport engineers, designers, consultants, and financial professionals.

These experts hailed from several different companies, but the Carlyle Group knew they only needed one company to handle their print needs: ARC Document Solutions.

The JFK Project

In 2016, JFK Airport served 59 million passengers and helped provide over 285,000 jobs, making the airport an important regional economic engine.

The problem is, the influx of passengers in the next couple of decades is expected to outpace capacity by the mid-2020s. According to the NY State website, for every million passengers that JFK fails to accommodate, the region loses approximately $140 million in wages, $400 million in sales, and 2,500 jobs.

In order to accommodate this expected growth without the pain of lost economic opportunity, Governor Cuomo, along with his Airport Advisory Panel, presented a vision plan that addressed three key areas:

  1. Transform JFK into a unified, interconnected, world-class airport.
  2. Improve road access to the airport.
  3. Expand rail mass transit to meet projected passenger growth.

The Carlyle Group and eight other design, engineering, and financial consultants, along with the Terminal One Group Association and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey formed a collaborative team to build a bid to execute on the vision.

ARC Flexes its Muscle: 30 Binders, 126 Hours, 32,000 Pages

To help facilitate the collaborative project between PGAL, Syske Hennesy, WPM Engineering, Atkins Global, Steer Davies Gleave, GAGE Baggage Systems, Faith & Gould Accounting, and AECOM Tishman, the Carlyle Group requested that ARC Midtown remains on call for 96 hours straight.

The group needed ARC to provide print support for first to last-minute design changes on the initial bid submission.

In addition to 30 sets of custom binders complete with laminated covers and full-color tabs and dividers, ARC was responsible for providing custom graphics for the team’s document delivery boxes. Also included were full sets of wire-bound technical and financial planning documents.

ARC Demonstrates True Partnership

The grand total of pages in the initial submission package was 28,000. But the Carlyle Group wasn’t finished, so neither was ARC.

Following the initial submission, the group came back a month later to request that ARC work another 30 hours straight to produce another 4,000 pages. These were needed to address stakeholder responses to the original submission.

In the end, the initial plans for Terminal One of JFK Airport provided the capacity to welcome 23 million passengers annually. Moreover, the new design features world-class amenities, provides direct connectivity to Terminal Four, and facilitates easy access to other terminals. Also included are redesigned curbsides to reduce traffic constraints and a comprehensive 21st-century security system.

ARC Document Solutions JFK International Airport

Conclusion: No Project too Large

As the primary international airport serving New York City, one of the largest economic engines in the world, the JFK Airport renovation gave ARC a unique opportunity to demonstrate its full capabilities. And we were honored to do so.

Yet, despite our capability to take on monumental projects, we still take pride in maintaining the same friendly service you’d expect from a local print shop. See evidence of that friendly service for yourself by finding the ARC print location nearest you and browsing the latest customer reviews.



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