Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells… We’re with you all the way!

December 17, 2021

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bell

Can you really believe it’ll soon be the end of the year and holiday season?! How many times have you recently said to someone: ‘Where has this crazy year gone?’ 

Well… don’t worry because you’re not the only one! This year really has been like no other and so many things seem to have conspired against us to challenge even the most resilient of people; New ‘Covid’ variants, Climate Change, Market Uncertainty, Spiralling Global Tensions… it feels like we’ve had it all thrown at us!

The great thing is, we’re brilliant at overcoming adversity and finding ways of adapting and ‘Making Things Happen’ so let’s look ahead to 2022 with renewed vigour and enthusiasm… because Team ARC certainly is!!

Anyway… besides all that!  We hope you are all ready for whatever comes your way and your workplace is dazzling in wonderful swathes of awe-inspiring graphics and invigorating signage?

Why not continue that theme in 2022 by wrapping your business – inside and outside – in images of positivity and clear messaging to ensure your customers, workforce and visitors are all invigorated and enthused by the surroundings we can help you create.

GO ON… Give your business a massive Shout Out and make sure everyone knows you’re in great shape for the festive season and fully motivated to meet all the demanding challenges we’ll no doubt be confronted within the coming year.

If you need help translating your great ideas to showcase your business, or just need some great ideas… our design team are creative geniuses and can Make It Happen for you!

Here are just some of the stunning visual transformations we’ve created for our customers during 2021…!

stunning visual transformations

ARC has enjoyed another amazing year of sustained growth; aligned to the continuance of our perpetual development of evolving business solutions, which ensure our valued customers reap the benefits from our investment in new Print & Design Innovations and Technology Solutions – with Multi Factor / Multi Sector applications.

We are more committed than ever to delivering unsurpassed levels of products and services and we continue to push the boundaries of realistic endeavour to ensure everything we can offer our customers will ultimately make their business better – with the application of impact efficiencies and voluminous visual representations of positivity and confidence!

So, what else sets us apart from our competitors?  

The answers simple… we provide a personal level of service, which is based upon traditional values of trust, quality, and a genuine understanding that every customer shares the same level of importance, regardless of scale and monetary value.

During 2021, ARC has provided products and services for some of the worlds most recognised brands, and we are delighted to have recently become the worlds most trusted provider of Print and Information Management Solutions after hitting an unprecedented milestone of 15,000 gratefully received customer reviews – with an incredible 4.97/5 average satisfaction rating.

ARC’s Global Chief Operating Officer – Dilo Wijesuriya – is understandably delighted with this landmark achievement for the business:

“We are thankful to all our customers for having trust in ARC. Your online reviews keep us humble and energized. We will continue to innovate and be a valuable resource for you in the coming year”

We are literally here to help your business become better because we know that your success will also bring increased levels of engagement with ARC and that’s what makes us thrive and strive to continue developing our range of services and improving every aspect of our customer engagement because perfection is – and always will be – our goal.

I didn’t know you did that!

Our Global Business teams are reporting back records levels of ‘I didn’t know you did that’ responses, which is brilliant for our business development teams and pushes us to ensure we keep our customers and prospects continually updated – without making them feel suffocated by constant reminders of our progressively developing range of services.

Every day, we surprise one of our customers by introducing a service they did not know we provided, and we always take great pleasure when they express their delight at our price to quality ratio, which is industry leading because we develop our own innovative print, design and technology solutions. 

We also work with some of the worlds most renowned hardware manufacturers to ensure we can provide tailored on-site print services, which are perfectly suited to the defined needs of your business.

ARC Document Solutions Jingle Bells

One of our primary goals is ensuring our existing and new customers are fully aware of our range of products and services to ensure they have access to the most intuitive and innovative range of business solutions available in today’s challenging marketplace.

New Year… New Opportunities!

Looking ahead to 2022; We can’t wait to kick off the new year and continue supporting our existing customers to excel, and of course… we look forward to welcoming many new customers on board to experience ARC’s unique customer VIP experience.

Be assured, we’ll continue to innovate and develop new and even more effective and efficient products and services during this coming year, and we’ll continue to work with every one of our customers to understand how we can help to make your business better.

Some of our latest service solutions are already delivering huge benefits for our customers and they have become notably relevant, as our respective business worlds evolve and adapt to unpredictable variables we are learning to live with, whilst continuing to thrive.

Our latest service innovations are enabling us to provide our customers with flexible and practical business services, which are introducing hugely impacting efficiencies and tangible benefits, and… exceeding all expectations:

For example, Scan by the Box has simplified both the practical and commercial aspects of converting Hard Copy into easy to find and manage Digital documents and drawings.

The fixed price per box and the end results are beginning to transform our customers perceptions of how easy and practical it can be to completely transform how their business stores and retrieves information and intellectual assets.

Instead of wasting hours of expensive search time, information is now being easily retrieved, viewed, and shared with a few fingertips of a screen or clicks of a mouse – enabling our customers to save huge amounts of time and space and apply previously unimaginable business efficiencies.

ARC’s new ContRactless – Printers Hire Service is providing our customers with a completely flexible Printer solution for their immediate on-site and home office print requirements.

There is no longer a requirement to enter into a long-term printer contract for a short-term project and there is no long-term commitment and no up-front costs – meaning you can adapt your printing resources to suit your specific project and variable work from home needs. 

How do we do this? 

We simply deliver the requisite number of printers or plotters to our customers office; project site or home, and we remove them when you no longer need them… with only a 1 x month notice period.

Sounds simple… that’s because it is and it’s the perfect solution for individuals, companies, and organisations, which are reliant upon operational flexibility and commercial fluidity.

In addition to all of the above, we remain the world’s most dynamic and trusted provider of multi-faceted Turnkey Print, Design and Technology Solutions for every global industry sector!

We pride ourselves on making businesses better!

One final message to every single one of our 100,000 global customers:

We will never lose sight of how important you are to us, and we will forever continue to be humbled and grateful for every enquiry, interaction and order we receive from each and every one of you… THANK YOU!


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