paper volume estimator

How much paper do I have for scanning?

Easily estimate the paper volume you have around the office. We can scan them all for you. It’s easy and fast.

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Unbound Paper Icon
Height in inches of unbound paper pile
Info Icon

Measure the total height of your piles of paper in inches

160 pages per inch

Standard Box Icon
Standard box - 15"x12"x10"
Info Icon

Count the number of standard boxes (15"x12"x10") you have around the office

2400 sheets of paper per box

File Cabinets Icon
File cabinets

160 pages per inch

Depth of drawer in inches:
Info Icon

Measure the depth of drawer in inches

Number of drawers:
Lateral File Cabinets Icon
Lateral file cabinets

160 pages per inch

Width of drawer in inches:
Info Icon

Measure the width of drawer in inches

Number of drawers:
Drawings Icon
Inches of drawings
Info Icon

Measure the total height of your piles of drawings in inches

125 sheets per inch



Total sheets
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The estimate is based on single page documents. The actual number of PDF pages (images) will vary depending on the percentage of printed duplex. The result is not meant to be used for pricing purposes and will not be used to provide a cost estimate.

Duplex multiplier
Info Icon

Percentage of duplex printed (front/back) documents. On average, 20% of business documents are printed duplex, your percentage may be different.

Total of scanned sheets
Total drawings
Total of scanned images or PDF pages delivered
Total megabytes
Info Icon
  • Each small format image averages 0.0625 Megabyte.
  • Each large format image averages 2.50 Megabytes.

Important Notes:

1- The estimate above is based on single page document. The actual number of PDF pages (images) will vary depending on the percentage of printed duplex. The result is not meant to be used for pricing purposes and will not be used to provide a cost estimate

Don't get buried under all that paper!

Start scanning today! One of our experts will be in touch shortly after you submit this form!