Total 105 results found.

Under Pressure: Solving Closeout Inefficiencies

In a webcast presented by ARC and the CMAA, Nick Miller, ARC’s National Director of Professional Services and Customer Success, presented a polling question to the audience: “Do you currently have challenges with closeouts?” Four percent said no; their approach is rock solid. But 46 percent said they struggled with closeouts on every single project […]

Digging for Data with Abacus

Data is gold in business, but like gold, it’s a lot of work to dig it up. If you can’t recover your costs, it’s wasted effort. A great example is tracking print costs on a job. Printing costs money, even if you own your own printers, and those costs will have an impact on your […]

Why Your Business Needs a Digital Storefront in 2019

From small, regional companies to international powerhouses, ARC’s customers are reaping the benefits of having their own Digital Storefront (DSF). One of those customers, Karen Glover, Marketing Director at Swinerton, joined us on a recent webcast to share her company’s experience with the Digital Storefront. Along with insights from ARC’s VP of Sales Operations, Frank […]

5 Reasons General Contractors Should Outsource Their Document Control

General Contractors & Their Outsource of Document Control General contractors and their teams, if nothing else, are masters of outsourcing. Yet most of them still rely on themselves to manage construction documents, and they don’t do a particularly good job of it given all the other competing responsibilities. This may partly explain why, according to […]

5 Practical Benefits of Drones in Construction

Project managers, job superintendents and safety coordinators have more than enough on their hands when it comes to periodic inspections, jobsite progress monitoring and keeping everyone safe on the job while focusing on delivering their projects on-time and under budget. If a service or product could cost effectively eliminate or reduce the time devoted to […]

Inspiring Ideas: Festive Holiday Graphics for the Office or Retail Stores

Festive Holiday Graphics The 2019 holiday season is fast-approaching. Planning and preparation will not be complete until you have scheduled the design, production and installation of holiday window graphics for your retail business or corporate office. Ensure your customers are in the holiday spirit by inspiring them with window and other display graphics. Our team […]

How Drones are Making the Modern Construction Site a Safer Place to Work

The idea that remote-controlled flying machines buzzing overhead can make a construction site safer might seem counterintuitive. But before you reject the idea that drones could keep your job site safer, consider this: The four most common causes of death (excluding highway collisions) in the construction industry are falls, collisions with objects, electrocutions, and getting […]

On-Demand Print Projects with Your Own Digital Storefront

In every organization, many documents get printed multiple times. Sometimes it’s on a regular schedule. At other times, it’s an all-out last-minute fire drill. Documents can range from contracts, promotional graphics, decals, posters, merchandising displays, and even more complicated projects involving finishing, binding and assembly. Wouldn’t it be convenient if your documents and graphics were […]